Sunday, April 21, 2013

Just a quick update

So, for the past two weeks I have skipped putting up a book review on here.  I also probably won't be putting up preview chapters for the next two Fridays either.  Yes, I know it's lazy, but getting the Forgotten King ready for its May 10 release has taken a bit more time than I'd planned, so the next couple weeks will be 100% focused on it.

In addition, I just realized that the deadline for the Reader's Favorite Book Contest which I entered The Dragon Gem in last year is coming up on May 1st.  Since I had planned on entering this year, I really need to get the manuscript ready before then.  Thankfully, they will take it in manuscript format(Word, PDF, etc.) and not necessarily the finished ebook or printed book.

Anyway, just wanted to get that update out there.  Once I get the book out, I'll be diving into the 2nd edition of The Dragon Gem.

Hope all are doing well!

Brian Beam


  1. Hang in there! It'll all come together. Good luck on the contest.
    Writer's Digest is having a contest for previously published books in all genres. You send them a self published book and they judge by appearance, formatting, story-the whole package. If you are interested, let me know and I will get you the info. I entered. What the heck!

    1. Thanks for the heads up, Robynn! Sadly, I won't have the printed version of The Forgotten King ready by the May 1 deadline, let alone be able to send it in by then. As for The Dragon Gem, I'd want to have my upcoming edit/rewrite of it with the new cover finished first. Maybe next year! I hope you have some success with it, though! You and your books deserve it!
