Preview Chapters

The Dragon Gem: Book One of Korin's Journal (2nd ed.)

The Forgotten King: Book Two of Korin's Journal
Chapter One
Chapter Two 
Chapter Three 
Chapter Four


  1. Just finished both books in Korin's Journal. Excellent books! I enjoyed the characterization, humour, and world-building. Looking forward to book 3 with mixed feelings. While I'm anxious to learn more of Korin and the struggles with Rezear, I will be sorry to see the series end. Unless more books are planned...?

    Congratulations on two 'can't put 'em down' novels!

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback! I'm really happy that you enjoyed the books. As of now, Korin's Journal will end at a trilogy, though I'm not saying there won't eventually be another story or two in that world. Progress on book 3 is a tad slow at the moment with the impending birth of my second child, but it will be out sometime in 2015 for sure(I'll be posting my progress regularly on this blog).

      Thanks again!

